Gamle Jes Sonnichsens styk*

Key: D*

Form: Sønderhoning*

MP3: (played by Susan Reid)

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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".

PDF: Gamle Jes Sonnichsens Styk


T:Gamle Jes Sonnichsens Styk
Z:K. Kite
|:A|"D"dd "A"ee|"D"f/g/f/e/ dc/d/|"A"ee e/f/e/c/|"D"dd/A/ FF/G/|"A"AA A/B/c|"D"d2 d:||
|:d|"D"f3/f/ aa|a/g/f/e/ de/f/|"G"gg gb|"A"ee/d/ cc/d/|
ee e/f/e/c/|"D"dd/A/ FF/G/|"A"AA A/B/c|"D"d2d:|


Source (if known): Trad? Can you help?

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Denmark, 

*Notes: Susan Reid writes, “My fingers tell me that at least some of the time I play this in G.”

Hanne Bornefelt (from Denmark, I presume) contributed this tune, writing, “”Sønderhoning” come from the small island Fanø, which is situated at the west coast of Jutland in Denmark. Sønderhoning is a very special form of music and the dance too. There is about 90 known Sønderhoning”

My Danish-speaking relative translates this title as “Old Jes Sonnichsen’s Piece (or Tune)”.  She provides these hints as to pronunciation:

Gamle: gam, the ga sound as gobble, le (the lu sound as in luck
Jes: a name pronounced like yes
Sonnichsens: a name pronounced like son-itch-son’s
Styk: pronounced like stook

And she notes that Danish does not employ apostrophes to denote the possessive, as in Jes Sonnichsens.
