Fille du Boucher, La

Key: D*

Form: Waltz

MP3: (Played in D by Pam Bockes and Andrew Jackson)

Download this MP3  If it plays, click the download icon or right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)

Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".

in G major

In D major







ABC (in D*):

>A,2|: "D"D2DEF2 | "G"G4FG | "D"A2AGF2 | "A7"E6 |
"D"A2AFD2 | "D"A2B2A2 | "G"G4F2 | "A7"E4A2 :|
|"D"A2ABA2 | D3A, DE | F2E2D2 | "C"=C4CD |
"C"E2=C2A2 | "A7"G4EF | G2F2E2 | "D"D4 DF|
"D"A2AB AF | D3A, DE | F2E2D2 | "C"=C4CD |
"C"E2=C2A2 | "A7"G4EF | G2F2E2 | "D"D4|]


Source: Trad.

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: France

*Notes: The MP3 above, is in D. However David Surette plays it in G in the YouTube above.  David wrote, “It’s a trad tune that was recorded by Gabriel Yacoub on his 1978 Trad. Arr. album.”
