Key: G
Form: March or hornpipe(?) Can you help?
MP3: (Played by Rebecca Weiss, fast, then slow for learning.)
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).
Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: Farewell_to_Whiskey
X: 1 T:Neil Gow's Farewell to Whiskey R:Country Dance B:The Athole Collection M:C| L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:G B,/A,/|G,G/A/ B/A/G/B/ AE EF/G/|DG/A/ B/A/G/B/ dBB>d| e/f/g/f/ e/d/B/d/ c/B/A/G/ A>B|D/E/G/A/ B/A/G/A/ BGG:| |:B/c/|dB GB/d/ c/B/A/G/ AB/c/|dBgB dgg>d| e/f/g/f/ e/d/B/d/ c/B/A/G/ A/c/B/A/|D/E/G/A/ B/A/G/A/ BGG:|
Source: Niel Gow*
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Scotland
*Notes: The ABC and sheet music above are slightly different from Rebecca’s playing. Her version is more familiar to my ear. -AJ
From Wikipedia: “Niel Gow (1727 – 1 March 1807) was the most famous Scottish fiddler of the eighteenth century.”