Fair-haired Child, The

Key: Em*

Form: Reel

MP3: (courtesy of Sarah Blair)

Audio Player

Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).

Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDF:

ABC: *

X: 1
T: Fair-haired child
F:http://www.rudemex.co.uk/library/ABC/Fair-haired%20child.abc	 2025-02-14 194725 UT
M:4/4     %Meter
L:1/8     %
(3Bcd |:"Em"egfe "D"defd |"Em"gbag "D"f2 gf |"Em"efed BAGA |"G"Bd"A"cA "B"B2 (3Bcd |
"Em"egfe "D"defd |"G"gbag "D"f2 gf |"Em"efed "Bm7"BAFB ||1"Em"E2 ED E2 (3Bcd :|2"C"E2 ED "Em"E2 EF ||
|:"Em"GABc "G"dBBd |"A"cAAc "Bm7"dcBA |"Em"GABc "G"dBBA |"Em"Beed "C"e2 EF |
"G"GABc dBBA |"Em"Beef g2 gf |"C"efed "D"BAFB ||1"Em"E2 ED E2 EF :|2"C"E2 ED "Em"E2 |]


Source: Trad.

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Ireland

*Notes: There seems to be considerable confusion on the web as to this tune.  Versions which may be distantly related or entirely different tunes appear in Dm and in different time signatures. Also there appear to be at least two quite different tunes with similar names.  The ABC and sheet music above are in Em. 

The title is variously spelled “The Fairhaired Child” or “The Fair Haired Child”.