Engelska från Skåne*

Key: G

Form: Engelska (English)

MP3: (played by Aaron Marcus)

Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)

Sheet music: (contributed by a site visitor via the Suggestion Form)

Sheet Music in PDF: Engelska-från-Skåne

ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the Suggestion Form

Link (Midi or Youtube): If you know a source, please contribute a link to a midi or YouTube on the Web for this tune using the Suggestion Form.

Source (if known)Traditional? A type of set dance common in southern parts of Sweden.

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Sweden

*Notes: Engelskas are Swedish versions of English country dance tunes. Like many Swedish dance tunes, this engelska doesn’t have a name but is simply known as the [dance form] from [town or district].
