Key: G
Form: Reel
MP3: (Slow for learning))
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MP3: (Melody emphasis)
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MP3: (Harmony emphasis)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF:
Eddie’s Reel – melody
Eddie’s Reel – harmonies
Eddie’s Reel – bass clef melody
Eddie’s Reel – bass clef harmonies
X: 66 T: Eddie's Reel R: reel M: C| L: 1/8 K: G "G"DGBd g2g2 | DGBd g2g2 | DGBd "G#"gfed | "Am"c2cc cdcB| "D7"AFAd f2f2 | AFAd f2fe |1 "D7"[d2A2] [dA]d "D75"[e_B]g[eB]d | "G"B3B "D7"BcBA:|2"D7"d3de2f2|"G"g4"D7"g2d2|| "G"[b3d3][bd] [b2d2][a2c2] | [g4B4] [g2B2][a2d2] | "G"[b3d3][bd] [a2c2][g2B2]| "D7"[f4A4] [f2A2] [g2B2] | "Am"[a3c3][ac] [ac][bd][ac][gB] |"D7" [f2A2] [fA][fA] [fA][gB][fA][eG] | [d2A2] [dA]d "D75"[e_B]g[eB]d | "G"[G4B4] "D7"[G2B2]d2 | "G"[b3d3][bd] [b2d2][a2c2] | [g4B4] [g2B2]z2 | "G"[b3d3][bd] "G7"[b2d2][b2d2] | "C"[c'4e4] [c'2e2]e2| "Am"[a3c3][ac] [ac][bd][ac][gB] | "D7"[f3A3] [fA] [f2A2][e2G2] | "Am"[d2F2][dF]B "D7"cAFA | "G"[G6D6] z2|]
Source: Eddie LaPlante* (arr. Peter Macfarlane)
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Vermont/Quebec
*Notes: Taken from the playing of Louis Beaudoin, Franco-American fiddler, police officer and car mechanic in Burlington VT in the 20th Century. The name may indicate that Louis merely learned this from Eddie LaPlante, so the attribution of authorship is not definitive.
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