Don Tremaine’s reel

Key: D

Form: Reel


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Sheet Music in PDF: Don_Tremaine’s_Reel


X: 1
T: Don Tremaine's Reel
O: RJ R-38
O: Canada
M: C|
S: Roaring Jelly collection
R: reel
K: D
FG |\
"D"ABAG FADF | "G"GFGA BcdB | "A"Aceg fcec |1,3 "D"dAFB A2 :|2,4 "D"d2d2 d2 :|
|: ef |\
"G" gage "D"fgfd | "A"efec "D"dAef | "G"gage "D"fgfd | "A"ea2b  a2ef |
"G" gage "D"fgfd | "A"efec "D"dAFD | "G"G2EG "D"FEDF | "A"EDCE "D"D2 :|


Source: Graham Townsend

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Canada


This tune was composed by Graham Townsend and is named after the late CBC broadcaster and announcer of Don Messer’s Jubilee, Don Tremaine.