Din Tarrant’s #2

Key: D*

Form: Polka


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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".


Sheet Music as PDF: Din Tarrant’s #2


X: 2
T: Din Tarrant's
R: polka
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
|:dc/d/ ed|cA AF|GF/G/ AG|FA D2|
GF/G/ AG|FA de/f/|ge ce|d2 d2:|
|:dc/d/ fa|gf ed|c/B/A eA|fA ec|
d>e fa|gf ed|c/B/A Bc|d2 d2:|

Midi: (as an MP3)


Source: Din Tarrant? Traditional? Can you help?

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Ireland? Can you help?

*Notes: There appear to be DOZENS of variations or tunes named Din Tarrant.  This is just the one we like to play.
