Key: G
Form: Reel
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Sheet Music in PDF: DevilEatTheGroundhog
X: 1 T: Devil Eat the Groundhog C: Owen "Snake" Chapman S: Paul Smith & Friends N: Snake Chapman explained that "Devil" was the name of his dog. R: reel Z: 2012 John Chambers M: C| L: 1/8 K: G |: "G"G,B,DG "C"E2E2 | "G"DEDB, "D7"A,2A,2 | "G"G,B,DG "C"E2GE | "D7"FGAF "G"G2-G2 :| |: {DEF}"G"G2B2 "C"c2Ac | "G"BAGB "D7"AGFD | "G"G2B2 "C"cBA2 | "D7"dcBA "G"G2-G2 :|
Source: Owen “Snake” Chapman
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Apalachia