Key: D
Form: Jig
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Sheet Music in PDF: Davids-Boots
X:1 T:David's Boots C:Steven Howland R:Jig M:6/8 L:1/16 K:D | "D" d2c2B2 c2B2A2 | "A" B2A2G2 "D" F6 | "A" E2F2G2 A2B2c2 | "A" d2e2f2 e6 | | "D" d2c2B2 c2B2A2 | "A" B2A2G2 "D" F6 | "A" E2F2G2 A2B2c2 | "A" A2B2c2 "D" d6 :| | "A" g2f2e2 g2f2e2 | "A" g2f2e2 "D" a6 | "D" a2g2f2 e2d2c2 | "A" d2e2f2 e6 | | "A" g2f2e2 g2f2e2 | "A" g2f2e2 "D" a6 | "D" a2g2f2 e2d2c2 | "A" A2B2c2 "D" d6 :|
Source: Steven Howland
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA, New England
Notes: Steven writes: “David Kaynor donated his X-Country ski boots to be used by folks stopping by our farm trails at Dancing Fiddle Farm. This tune is in honor of David, his ongoing generosity, and in acknowledgment of how hard it is to fill David’s Boots.”