Key: G
Form: Waltz
MP3: (played by Andrea Beaton)
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Sheet Music:
X: 1 T:The Dark Island M:3/4 L:1/8 K:G DE| A3 E A2| G3 A G2| E3 D C2| D4 GA| B3 A G2| G d3 D2| B3 d B2| A4D-E|\ A3 E A2| G3 A G2| E3 D C2| D4 GA| B3 Dd-B| A3 DB-A| G3 G G2| G4 Bc|\ d3 D D2| B3 A G2| E C3 E2| D4 GA| B3 A G2| G d3 D2| B3 d B2| A4 DE|\ A3 E A2| G3 A G2| E3 D C2| D4G-A| B3 Dd-B| A3 DB-A| G3 G G2| G4||\
Source: Iain MacLachlan(?)
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Scotland
Notes: (From, “From George Seto: The information I have is that the song, Dark Island, was written by David Silver, and the tune was written by Iain MacLachlan, an accordianist. This was created for a BBC Thriller called the Dark Island, in 1963. The show was filmed in Benbecula, Scotland.” See comment threads on The Session for more detail.