Dancing Alice

Key: Em

Form: Reel


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X: 1
T:Dancing Alice
C:Joe Healey (July 2010)
F:file ID: 007dancing
"Em" E2EF GEGA|"G" B2Bc BAG2|"D" FDAD BDAD|"Em" ^D=EBE "Am" cE "Bm" BD|
"Em" E2EF GEGA|"G" B2Bc BAG2|"D" FDAD BDAD|1 "D" dBAF "Em" GEEB, :|\
[2 "D" dBAF "Em" EFGA ||
|:"Em" BGEB "D" AFDA|"Em" G2GA GFE2|"G" B2Bc d2cB|"D" AFDF "Em" EFGA|
"Em" BGEB "D" AFDA|"Em" G2GA GFE2|"G" BGEc "D" AFDA |1 "D" cBAF "Em" GEEG :|\
[2 "D" cBAF "Em" GEE2|]

YouTubeIf you know a source for this one, please contribute a link to a  YouTube or video on the Web for this tune.

Source: Joe Healy (copyright)

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: USA

Notes: This tune’s composer writes, “I wrote this tune for my mother and it is based on Simple Gifts, her favorite melody. I changed the key major to minor, added a bunch of notes and turned it into a reel. We  play it frequently for contra dances”