Key: G
Form: slow air? lament?
MP3: (Played by Jacob and Gretta Stone)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X: 1 T: Da Auld Resting Chair R: barndance C: Tom Anderson M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj B3 c A3 B|G2 D2 B,2 G,2|C2 A2 B,2 GD|^CEAG F2 D2| B3 c A3 B|G2 D2 B,2 G,2|C2 A2 D2 F2|1 G6 D2:|2 G6 d2|| cBAG g3 d|e2 g2 d2 B2|c3 d B2 G2|E2 AG F2 D2| cBAG g3 d|e2 g2 d2 B2|c3 e d2 F2|G6 d2| cBAG g3 d|e2 g2 d2 B2|c3 d B2 GD|^CEAG F2 D2| B3 c A3 B|G2 D2 B,2 G,2|C2 A,2 D2 F2|G8||
Midi: chair
YouTube: (da Auld Resting Chair is the first tune on this video, followed by da Slockit Light.)
Source (if known): Tom Andreson
Other Tunes in Set: da Slockit Light
Region: Shetland
Notes: The YouTube video above is from Tom Anderson’e 80th birthday concert. The story goes that he wrote da Auld Resting Chair in honor of the chair his fiddle teacher rested in when Tom was first learning to play.