Key: D
Form: Reel? Can you help?
MP3: Recorded at the Northeast Heritage Music Camp, June, 2017.
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: Cumberland Gap
X:1 T:Cumberland Gap [3] S:Tommy Jarrell (1901-1985, Mt. Airy, North Carolina) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:County Records 713, Jarrell, Cockerham, Jenkins - Down to the Cider Mill (1968) F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D A,2[B,2D2]+slide+[D2D2][D2D2]|(F2[F2A2]) {d}BABc|dBAG FEDE|[A,D][B,D][D2D2][D2D2][D2D2]| A,2[B,2D2]+slide+[D2D2][D2D2]|(F2[F2A2]) {d}BABc|dBAG FEDE|[A,D][B,D][D2D2][D3D3]|| (e|f)efe d2BA|{A}B3c BAd([de]|[df])efe dcBA|{A}B3c BABc| dBAF FEDE|[CD]-[D2D2][DD] [D3D3](e|f)efe dABA|{A}B3c BAd([de]| [df])efe dcBA|{A}B3c BABc|dBAF FEDE|[CD]-[DD][DD][DD} [D2D2][D2D2]||
Source: Trad.
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Region: USA, Appalachia