Crested Hens (Les Poules Huppées)

Key: Edor

Form: Waltz (or Bourrée à trois temps (in 3/8))


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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 


Sheet Music in PDF: Crested Hens on The Session


X: 4
T: Crested Hens
R: waltz
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
K: Edor
|:"Em"E3 GFE|B4 Bc|"Bm"dc Be dc|dc BA GF|
"Em"E3 GFE|B4 Bc|"Bm"dc BA GA|1 B3 GFD:|2 B4 ef|
"Em"gB Bg gB|"C"=c4 ef|"Am"gf ag fe|"B"^d2 e2 f2|
"Em"gB Bg gB|"C"=c4 ef|"Am"gf ag "Bm"fd|"CM7"e4 ef|
"Em"gB Bg gB|"C"=c4 ef|"Am"gf ag fe|"B"^d2 e2 f2|
"CM7"gB Bg gB|"Am"=c4 ef|"C"gf ag "Bm"fd| "Am"e3 GFD||


Source (if known): Gilles Chabenat (copyright)

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: France
