Cock O’ the North (aka Aunty Mary, aka Chase Me Charlie)

Key: G (or A?)*

Form: Jig

MP3: (played in G by David Kaynor)

Download this MP3  If it plays, click the download icon or right-click on the page and “Save as”.) (Detailed instructions)

(played in A*, slowly for learning, by Gretchen Koehler)

Download this MP3  If it plays, click the download icon or right-click on the page and “Save as”.) (Detailed instructions)

Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".

Melody in D

Harmonized in A by Gretchen Koehler









X: 3
T: Cock O' The North
R: jig
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: Gmaj
|:d e2 d|B2 B BAG|B2 d e2 d|B2 B BAG|A2 A AGA|
B2 B BAG|B2 d e2 d|B2 B ABA|G2:|
|:d e2 f|g2 d e2 d|g2 d e2 d|B2 B BAG|A2 A ABd|
g2 d e2 d|g2 d e2 d|B2 B ABA|G2:|


Source: Trad.

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Scotland (via Newfoundland?)

*Notes: David Kaynor’s MP3 above, along with the ABC and the YouTube are in G, but Gretchen Koehler’s MP3 is played in A.
