Key: A
Form: Waltz
MP3:(played by the composer)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: The_Chickadee_and_the_Sparrow
X:1 T:The Chickadee and the Sparrow M:3/4 R:Waltz C:Susan Reid L:1/8 K:A |:e/z/zc4|A2d/d/d d/d/d|A2d/d/d d/d/d|cd egag|ed cA EG|A3B cd|B3c df| e2c4|e2c4|A2d/d/d d/d/d|A2d/d/d d/d/d|cd egag|ed cA EG|A3c BG|A4AG| FA dc BA|cA eA cA|FA dc BA|c2E4|FA dc BA|cA eA cA|fe dc BA|GFE4| FA dc BA|cA eA cA|FA dc BA|c2E4|FA dc BA|cA eA cA|fe dc BA|1GA Bc df:|2a6||
Source: Susan Reid (copyright)
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Vermont, USA
Notes: Susan writes, “The chickadee and the sparrow definitely take their themes from the spring song of the chickadee and the “Sam Peabody” of the white-throated sparrow.”