
Key: G

Form: Barndance? Hornpipe?


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X: 2
T: The Cheticamp
R: barndance
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Gmaj
|:AF|GcBA G2 G2|BdgB d2 d2|dgfe c2 c2|cedc B2 AF|
GcBA G2 G2|BdgB d4|dgfe dcBA|G2 g2 G2:|
|:d2|c2 e2 c2 ec|B2 dB GBdG|A2 FE DFAF|G2 gf gdBG|
c2 e2 cGec|BcdB G2 dG|A2 FE D2 AF|G2 B2 G2:|


Source (if known): Trad?

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Cape Breton (Acadian)

Notes: Chéticamp is a small town on the west coast of Cape Breton, of largely Acadian French population.