Key: A*
Form: Reel (Shuffle?)
MP3: (Mandolin lead)
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MP3: (Guitar played by George Belcher)
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Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF*:
Cherokee Shuffle bluegrass
Cherokee Shuffle old time
ABC: (Bluegrass version*)
X: 2 T: Cherokee Shuffle R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amaj EF|:"A"A2 A2 c2Bc|BAF2E2 EF|A2 AB cde2|"F#m" f3g f4| "D"a3b a2 f2|"A"efed c2AB|cBAc "E"BAFE|1"A"A4E2F2:|2"A"A4a2g2|] [|"D"f3ga2f2|"A"efed c2ag|"D"fefg a2f2|"A"e3fe4| "D"fefg a2f2|"A"efedc2AB|cBAB cde2|"F#m"f3gf2fg|"A"aegf "E"edcB|"A"A4a2g2| "D"f3ga2f2|"A"efed c2ag|"D"fefg a2b2|"A"c'4c'4| "D"fefg a2f2|"A"efedc2AB|cBAB cde2|"F#m"f3gf2fg|"A"aegf "E"edcB|"A"A4E2F2|]
Source: Trad.
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA, Appalachia
*Notes: Site visitor Douglas Curnutte writes: “The BG version is in A with an 16 bar A part. The B part is crooked with 20 bars. The OT version is typically in D with crooked A and B parts at 20 bars each.”