Centennial Highway

Key: G

Form: Reel


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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDF: The Centennial Highway


X: 1
T: The Centennial Highway
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Ador
AG|:EAAB AGAB|cBcd e2 dc|BGGF G2 BA|GABc dBdB|
ABAG A2 AB|cBcd edef|gage dBGA|1 BcBG A2 AG:|2 BdBG A2 ed||
|:eaag a2 ag|edef gfge|dBGG G2 BA|GABc d2 cd|
eaag a2 ag|edef gefg|agfd eged|1 cABG A2 ed:|2 cABG A2 AG||

Source: Rufus Guinchard

Other Tunes in Set

Region: Newfoundland
