Key: D*
Form: March (or Strathspey*, see the YouTube below)
MP3 played slowly for learning:
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).
MP3 played up-to-speed:
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).
Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". To download, right-click in enlarged image and “Save as…”.
Sheet Music in PDF: Cameron Highlanders
X: 2 T: Cameron Highlanders R: March M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:AF|D2FA D2FA|BBAF A2FE|D2FA D2FA|GAFG E2AF| D2FA D2FA|BBAF Adcd|B3A FAEA|FDD2 D2 :| |:FA|BdBA FAEA| FDDE D2FA|BdBA FADE|FEED E2FA| B2BA FAEA|FDDE D2FA|BdAd FAEA|FDDE D2:|
Source (if known): Scott Skinner
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Scotland
*Notes: The sheet music and YouTube above are slightly different versions of the tune, plus both are in A major (which lends credence to my theory that Scott Skinner composed it as a pipe tune). Torrindon in the video also play it as a strathspey in comparison to the “straight” march rhythm in the MP3s above. Comparing the two versions provides an excellent demonstration of what makes a strathspey rhythm with its ‘Scottish snaps’.