Burnt River* Jig

Key: D

Form: Jig

MP3: (played slowly for learning by Susan Reid)

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MP3: (played up to speed by Susan Reid)

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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDF: Burnt River


T:Burnt River
C:Brian Pickell
D:JIIG:Ian Robb, James Stephens, Ian Clark and Greg Brown
DED FDF | ABc dfe | d2B BAB | d2B BAF | DED FDF |
Adf afd | f2e ede | fed BAF :: B3 Bcd | B3 BAG | B3 Bcd |
edc B2 A | B3 Bcd | B3 BAG | Bcd ede |1 fed cBA :|2 fed BAF |]



Source : Brian Pickell

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Canada, Ontario

*Notes: The title comes from a town in Ontario, originally “Rettie’s Crossing”, which suffered a disastrous fire sometime in the 1920s. According to this Wikipedia article, “there was a gas station located in the centre of the village. A gentleman arriving in his Model T Ford smashed into the gravity-fed gas pumps and severed the lines connected to the above-ground gasoline storage tank. The gasoline was almost immediately ignited, and flowed like a river, down the main street engulfing everything it touched, until it poured into and spread across the fast-moving river.

“According to local legend, there were 18 miles of “Burnt River” stretching to Cameron Lake. Shortly after this, the Post Office changed its name to “Burnt River.” ”
