Key: D
Form: Schottische
MP3: (Played by Susan Reid)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X:2 T:Breton Schottische in D Major C:Composer unknown M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D "D"A2ABA3F|"A7"GFEF "D"D2EF|"G"G2GAG3F|"Em"EFGA "A7"GFED| "D"A2ABA3F|"A7"GFEF "Bm"D2EF|"G"G2GAG3F|"A7"EFGA "D"D4:| "D"A2A2d3c|"Em"dcde "F#m"cBAF|"G"G2GA"D"F3D|"Em"ED"A7"EG "D"FED2| "D"A2A2"Bm"d3c|"G"dcde "F#m"cBAF|"Em"G2GA"D"F3D|"A7"EDEG "D"D4:|
Youtube: If you know a source, please contribute a link to a midi or YouTube on the Web for this tune. Can you help?
Source (if known): Traditional
Other Tunes in Set: Breton Schottische #2
Region: France, Brittany
Notes: We know of no actual name for this schottische, can you help?
From a comment on this site: “Kerry Elkin, late fiddler from Massachusetts, recorded these tunes and stated that he’d learned them from a cassette tape by Serge Desaunay/Gilles Le Bigot called “Tunes for America” which they self-produced to sell on during a tour in the United States in the 1980’s. There were only a few of these tapes made and not many survive. They are a great resource.”
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