Bourrée à Gaston Pommier

Key: D

Form: Bourrée

MP3: Played by Susan Reid

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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 







Sheet Music in PDF: Bourree a Gaston Pommier


X: 10
T: Bourrée à Gaston Pommier
R: Bourrée à 2 temps
Z: Transcrit et/ou corrigé par Michel BELLON - 2007-05-12
Z: Pour toute observation mailto:
S: (via 2021-12-26)
Z: 2021 John Chambers  (reformatted for readability)
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
S: French Creek
K: D
|: D2 F4 A2 | d6  f2   | e3d c2B2 | ABAG F2E2 | D2 F4 A2 | d6f2 | e3d c2B2 | A8 :|
|: F3A F2A2 | G3B G2B2 | F3A F2A2 | E8        | D3F A2d2 | B6f2 | e3d c2e2 | d8 :| 



Source: Trad?

Other Tunes in Set

Region: France
