Key: A
Form: Reel
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Sheet Music in PDF: boothshotlincoln
X: 1 T: Booth Shot Lincoln S: Bruce Molsky R: reel M: C| L: 1/8 K: A [|\ "A"ECEF E2E2 | "D"FA2B A2A2- | "A"ABcB AcBA | "D"A[A3-F3-] [A4F4] |\ "A"ECEF E2E2 | "D"FA2B A2f2 | "A"e2c2 "E"BcB2 | "A"A4 A4 :| "A"ce2f e4 | "D"fa2b a2f2 | "A"e2c2 AcBA | "D"[A3F3][AG] [A4F4] |\ "A"ce2f e4 | "D"fa2b a2f2 | "A"e2c2 "E"BcB2 | "A"A4 A2 BA || "A"ce2f e4 | "D"fa2b a2f2 | "A"e2c2 AcBA | "D"[A3F3][AG] [A4F4] |\ "A"ECEF E2E2 | "D"FA2B A2f2 | "A"e2c2 "E"BcB2 | "A"A4 "D"[A4F4] |]
Source: Bruce Greene
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA, Appalachia
Notes: “Rather cheerful sounding tune, given the topic.” –a comment on