Key: G
Form: Waltz
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X:1 T:Blue Hill Waltz C:Randy Hough R:Waltz M:3/4 L:1/4 K:Gmaj B/c/|:"D"dBA|"G"GED|"C"EGE|"G"D2D/E/|G2G/A/| B2B/c/|dBG|"D"A2B/c/|dBA|"G"GED|"C"EGE| "G"D2D/E/|G2G/B/|G2B/c/|"D"dBA|1"G"G2B/c/:|2"G"G2A/G/|| |:"Am"Ec3/c/|"G"BGE/D/|"Am"AcB|"G"G2A/G/|"Am"Ec3/c/| "G"BGE/D/|"Am"EG"G"B|"D"A2A/G/|"Am"Ec3/c/|"G"BGE/D/|"Am"cBA| "G"G2E/D/|"Am"cBA|"G"BGE/D/|"Am"EGA|1"G"G2A/G/:|2"G"G2|]
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Source: Randy Hough (copyright 2017)
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Region: USA
Notes: This tune was composed and notated for acoustic guitar, but could be adapted for fiddles(?)
Editor’s note: The first full and seventh measures are notated with a D-chord, but could probably be a G-chord. The ABC notation is written here in the original form.