Big Sciote (Scioty, Sciota, Scioti*)

Key: G

Form:  Reel


Download this MP3  If it plays, click the download icon or right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)

Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".

With guitar tab Page 1

With guitar tab Page 2









Sheet Music (melody) in PDF: Big-Sciota



X: 2
T: Big Sciote
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Gmaj
DE|:"G"G2B2 "D"AGED|"G"G3 GG2 DE|"G"G2B2 "D"AGED|"G"G3 GG2 DE|
G2A2B2d2|"C"e2e e2e|"D"d2B2 AGE2|1 ."G"G4 G2DE:|2 ."G"G4 G2Bd||
|:"G" ggg gef g2|"D"a2ab age2|a2ab age2|"Em"e3e e2d2|
e3d BAB2|"C"e3d e2d2|"D"d2B2 AGE2|1 ."G"G4 G2Bd:|2 ."G"(G4 G4)||


YouTube:  Randy Hough & Mark Cosgrove:


Aly Bain, Jay Ungar, Molly Mason, Russ Barenberg and friends:


Bryan Sutton & Russ Barenberg:

Source: Trad? Can you help?

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: USA (Ohio)

*Notes: All of these spellings are referenced at, plus this interesting bit of background: “‘Big Scioty’ is the popular name for the Scioto River that flows through Columbus, Ohio.  Ye’d be hard pressed to attend an old-time session in this neck o’ the woods where it’d not be heard!”