Key: A
Form: Reel
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X:2277 T:Big John McNeil C:Peter Milne (1824-1908) N:I often play the alternate chords listed for emphasis. M:2/4 L:1/16 R:Reel K:A "A" A,2CE FECE | "A" AECE FECE |\ "A" A,2CE "F#m;A" FECE | "B7;D" FAGF "E7" EDCB, | "A" A,2CE FECE | "A" AECE FECE | "A" A,CB,D "D" CEDF |1\ "E7" EGBd "A" cAA2 :|2 "E7" EGBd "A" cAcd || |: "A" eAfA eAcd | "A" eAfA e2((3agf) |\ "A" eAfA "F#m;A" eece | "B7;E7" daca B2cd | "A" eAfA eAcd | "A" eAfA e2ce | "A" agfe "D" fedc |1\ "E7" defg "A" a2cd :|2 "E7" defg "A" a2z2 |]
(Played wonderfully by the great New Brunswick Fiddler, Don Messer, but way too fast in my opinion. -AJ)
Plus this wonderful video of Métis (? “Oji-Cree”) dancers in which the second tune is Big John, starting at approximately 1:18:
Source: Peter Milne (1824-1908)
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Scotland/Cape Breton
Notes: This tune is often played more “dotted” than the MP3 example above.