Key: G
Form: Air
MP3: (played by Pam Bockes)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: L’air Charles
X:2 T:Marche St-Hilaire T:Air Charles St-Hilaire M:C| L:1/8 S:Repertore de Aime Gagnon (Lotbinere region, Quebec) D:Raz de Maree?Tidal Wave - "Marche du St-Laurent" (2010) Z:Transcribed by Steve Fry K:G |:"G"d3cB2d2|g4-g2 ag|[M:6/4]"D/F#"f2 a4 g2d2g2|[M:C|]"Em"d3c D2d2| "C"g4-g2 ag|[M:6/4]"D"f2a2g2d2 "G"g2 !Fine!z2:|[M:C|]"G"D4 G2B2|"G/B"d6 ef| "C"g2B2"G/B"d3d|"Am"e2d2 "D"(3BcB G2|"G"D2G2 A-B3|"Em"d2 ef "C"g2B2| [M:6/4]"Em"d2 cB "D/F#"A2B2 "G"G4|[M:C|]"G"D2G2 A-D3|[M:6/4]"G/B"d2 ef "C"g2 B2 "G/B"d3d|[M:C|]"Am"e2d2 "D"(3BcB G2| "G"D2G2 A-B3|"G/B"d2 ef "C"g2B2|[M:6/4]"C/E"d2 cB "D/F#"A2B2 "G"G2z2||
Played slowly for learning:
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Source: Aimé Gagnon (or possibly from Charles St. Hilaire via Aimé, Can you help?)
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Lotbinière, Québec