Key: G
Form: Jig
MP3: (played slowly for learning by Sarah Hotchkiss, after the style of Andrea Beaton)
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Sheet Music in PDF: Winston Tune
X: 1 T: A Winston Tune R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj GFG ABd|gba gfe|ded B2G|FGA cBA| GFG ABd|gba gfe|def dfa|g3 g3:| B3 B2d|c3 c2e|ded B2G|FGA cBA| B3 B2d|c3 c2e|def dfa|g3 gdc:|
Source (if known): Jerry Holland?
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Cape Breton
Notes: Thought to be by Jerry Holland and in honor of Winston “Scotty” Fitzgerald. See comments at