Key: G
Form: Air
MP3: (played by Rebecca Weiss)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF:
Long Goodbye (Harmonized Low)
Long Goodbye, melody
X:1 T:A Long Goodbye C:David A. Kaynor March 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G |:"D"DG2A2|"G"B3B B2A2|c2B4A2|"Em"G3AGF3|G4G2F2| "C"E4E3D|"D"D4D3C|"G"B,2G6-|G3:| |:DF2G2|"D"A3DFG3|A3DB2A2|"C"G2E2DC3|"G"D3:| "D"CB,2C2|"G"D3D"D"EF3|"G"G3GAB3|"C"c4c3d|c3DG2A2| "G"B3Ac2B2|"Am"A2G4A2|"D"B4A4|"G"G3|] |:AB2c2|"D"d4d3d|d3ed3c|"C"c3B"D"B3A|"G"B3:| BB2A2|"C"G4G3F|G3AG2E2|"D"D3DG2A2|"G"B4-B4| "Am"A4A3B|"D"A3GB2A2|"G"G4"D"G3A|"G"G3|]
Source: David A Kaynor
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: New England, USA
Notes: David says, “The phrases of this air have been in my head and heart since the spring of 1989 when my youngest sister Jody was dying. Thirty-two years of dithering seemed long enough, and Rebecca is here and willing to play my compositions, so I finally pulled the phrases together and transcribed it. I hope people like it and play it.”
Composed in 2021 by David Kaynor on an eye gaze computer using EasyABC while dealing with ALS.