Hills of Glen Orchy, The

Key: Edor

Form: Jig


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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDFThe Hills Of Glenorchy


X: 1
T: Hills of Glen Orchy
C: Trad.
M: 6/8
K: EDor
L: 1/8
  d/c/ | "Em"B2E E>FE | B>AB d2B | "D"A2D D>ED | "Bm"F>DF "D"Adc | "Em"BEF G>FE | B>AB e3 | "Bm"d>Bd "D"AFD | "Em"E3 E2 :|
      B|"Em"e>fe edB | e>fg gfe | "D"d>cd dAF | dcd f>ed | "Em"e>fe edB | e>fg f>ef | "D"d>Bd AFD | "Em"E3E2 :|


Source: Trad.

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Scotland (and known in Ireland as “Over the Hills”)
