Key: G
Form: Reel
MP3: (Played by Susan Reid)
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)
MP3: (By La Bottine Souriante, courtesy of IdentitAires Québécois)
Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X:1000 T:Marie, Sauce ton Pain M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G d2|:"G"gage "G/B"d2B2|"C"c2d2 "D"e2f2|"G"gage "Em"d2G2|"D"B2d2"G"G2z2| "G"gage "G/B"d2B2|"C"c2d2"D"e2f2|"G"gage "Em"d2 Bd|1 "D7"cAFA "G"G2d2:|2 "D7"cAFA "G"G2 DG|| |:"G"B3B "G/B"BBAG|"C"Eccc c2 BA|"G"GBBB B2 AG|"D"FADF A2 DG| "G"B3B "G/B"BBAG|"C"Eccc c2e2|"G"d2 Bd "D"cAFA|1"D7" GBAF "G"G2 DG:|2"D7" GBAF "G"G2d2|]
Source: André Alain
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Quebec
Notes: Jean Rhéaume writes: “Susan Read translate it as “put sauce on your bread” or “soak your bread””. Notes on the above YouTube translate it as “Marie, dip your bread”.