Sweet Sunny South (fiddle tune)

Key: A*

Form: March or reel

ABCIf you know a source, please contribute ABC notation.

MP3: (NOTE: This audio is courtesy of the US Library of Congress and as far as I can determine is only available in the somewhat awkward format below, not as a simple MP3 and not downloadable.  This is probably a matter of national security 🙁 ) 

Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. 

Sheet Music in PDF: Sweet-Sunny-South


Source: Trad?

Other Tunes in Set: See also Sweet Sunny South (song)

Region: Appalachia, USA

*Notes:  This tune is courtesy of the US Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/afcreed000047/.  It was collected by Alan Jabbour, and the audio recording is likely by Henry Reed, probably recorded in the mid 1960s. It is played in an odd key, possibly C# or maybe an out of tune fiddle, and the sheet music transcription shows it in G.

There seem to be a number of variations on this tune as a song, including a recording with lyrics by Jerry Garcia and David Grissman and this 1927 record by Red Patterson’s Piedmont Log Rollers.