Daily Archives: November 10, 2020

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: (Played by Susan Reid who writes: “Normally this is played quite a bit faster, but it is lovely at a slow temple as well.”)  Download this MP3  (If it plays, […]

Vanjan Waltz

Key: A or G* Form: Waltz ABC in A:  X:1 T:Margaret's Waltz C:Pat Shaw R:waltz M:3/4 N:Reproduced by kind permission of the EFDSS L:1/8 K:A c2|E3F AB|c4 c2|BA F2A2|B4c2|E3 F AB|c3de2|c4 B2|A4:|| cd|e3 f ge|a4 a2|fe d2f2|e4 cB|A3 B cd|e4 c2|BA F2A2|B4 cd| e3 f ge|a3gf2|e2d2c2|B4c2|E3F AB|c3d e2|c4B2|A4|| ABC in […]

Margaret’s Waltz