Daily Archives: June 9, 2020

Key: D Form: March ABC:  X:7 T:Nos Fercher T:Wednesday Night R:march B:National Library of Wales, MS. J. Lloyd Williams, 53 D:Ar Log O IV i V O:Wales Z:Manuel Waldesco" <mwal:wanadoo.es> tradtunes 2002-4-2 M:4/4 K:Dmaj |D2FA d2f2|edcB AGFE|D2FA d2f2|edcd e2d2:| |a2fd a2fd|edcB AGFE|1 D2FA d2f2| edcd e2d2:|2 D2FA d2g2| fdec d4|| […]

Nos Fercher, aka Wednesday Night

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  (If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge.  Sheet Music in PDF: Kenny’s Ginger […]

Kenny’s Ginger Beer