Key: A Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T:Angus Campbell M:4/4 L:1/8 C:J. Scott Skinner R:Reel K:A "E7"E|"A"A/A/A cA EAce|"A"a2 ga faec|"Bm"d/d/d Bd "A"c/c/c Ac|"Bm"BFBA "E"GEFG|! "A"A/A/A cA EAce|"A"a2 ga faec|"D"defd "A"ceaf|"E7"ecdB "A"Aefg||! "A"a2ea caAa|"A"cAce aAca|"Bm"b2 fb dbBb|"Bm"dBdf bBdb|! "A"a2ea caAa|"A"cAce aecA|"Bm"defd "A"ceaf|"E7"ecdB "A"A3|| MP3: Do you or some friends play […]
Daily Archives: June 2, 2020

Key: A Form: Reel MP3: Do you or some friends play this tune? Please contribute a smartphone or MP3 recording. Meanwhile, here’s the basic melody: Don’t miss the incomparable April Verch playing and dancing it in the YouTube below, recorded at the Acadia Trad School Concert Series, 2017. Download this […]