Monthly Archives: November 2019

Key: D Form: Jig MP3: Played by Isak Duncan Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in PDF: Da Lounge Bar ABC:  […]

Da Lounge Bar

Key: Dmix Form: March MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in PDF: ABC:  X:2833 T:Chanter's Song, The T:Chanter's Tune, The […]

Song of the Chanter, aka The Chanter’s Tune

Key: D Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:Widen the Circle C:Susan Reid (2019) M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D "D"DE \ |: "D"F2 EF "G"DEB,D | "D"A,B,DE F2 ED |\ "G"d2 cd BcdB | "A"AFED E2 DE | "D"F2 EF "G"DEB,D | "D"A,B,DE F2 ED |\ "G"d2 cd "A"BcdA |1 "D"F2 D2 D2 DE […]

Widen the Circle

Key: D Form: Slow air ABC:  X: 11 T: VFO's Compliments to David Kaynor, The C: ©2019 Peter Macfarlane R: Slow Air S: M: 3/4 L: 1/8 V:1 clef=treble octave=0 name="1st" V:2 clef=treble octave=-1 name="2nd" V:3 clef=bass octave=-2 name="Cello" Q: 1/4 = 96 K: D P:A [V:1] DE |"D"F3 […]

VFO’s Compliments to David Kaynor

Key: A* Form: Reel (Shuffle?) MP3: (Mandolin lead) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Guitar played by George Belcher) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). […]

Cherokee Shuffle

Key: G Form: Jig MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in PDF: Garry Owen ABC:  X: 1 T: Garry Owen […]

Garry Owen (or Garryowen)

Key: E/A Form: Syncopated Two-Step MP3*: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in PDF: Montys_2_step ABC: If you know a source, please […]

Monty’s Two-Step

Key: D Form: Jig ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation. MP3: (played by Susan Reid and Leeds Brewer) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged […]

The Round Window

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation. MP3: (played by Susan Reid and Leeds Brewer) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged […]

Sober Coffee