Monthly Archives: June 2023

Key:  Dmix Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Granny In The Corner T: The Volunteer R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmix GE|:D3E G3B|AGAB G2AB|c2cB cBAG|E2ED EGGE| D3E G3B|AGAB G2AB|cded cAGE|1 D3E D2GE:|2 D3E D2Bc|| |:dgdB c2cA|B2BA GABc|dBcA BAGE|D3E D2Bc| dgdB c2cA|B2BA GABc|d2c2B2E2|1 D6Bc:|2 D6|| MP3: (Played by Susan […]

The Volunteer, aka Granny in the Corner

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]

Byron and Jake

Key: G Form: Jig ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Sysan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

La Cordon

Key: Dm Form: Jig ABC:  X:7306 T:The Sailor's Wife O:england M:6/8 L:1/8 C:Kerry Elkin K:C "Dm"DEF E2 D|Ade f2 g|agf "Dm"edc|"C"AcA GEC|"Dm"DEF E2 D|Ade f2 g|"Dm"agf "Am"edc| 1 d3 d3:|2 d3 d2 e||"Dm"fga fga|fga agf|"C"ecg ecg|ecg "Am"gfe| "Dm"fga agf|"C"ecg g3|"Dm"afd "Am"gec|1 d3 d2 e:|2 d3 d3| MP3: (Played by Susan […]

The Sailor’s Wife

Key: A Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Sysan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

The Way Home

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: %abc-2.2 %%rightmargin 0.8cm %%leftmargin 0.8cm %%topspace 36 % %%partsbox true X:1 %MIDI gchordoff %MIDI gchord fzzfzz %MIDI stressmodel 2 %%MIDI program 1 110 % Instrument Fiddle %%MIDI program 4 107 % Instrument Koto %%MIDI program 5 70 % Instrument Acoustic Grand Piano C:Peter Clayton O:arr. […]

There and Back to See How Far it is

Key: A Form: Reel ABC: X:13 T: The High Road To Linton R: reel Z: abc-edited-by: AW (chords and G naturals in B part) M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: A |:"A"ce ef a2 ae|"(D)"fe fg a2 e2|"A"ce ef a2 ae|"(D)"fa ec "E"B2 "(A)"A2:| |:"A"ce e=g "D"fd df|"A"ec ce "E"fB Bd|"A"ce […]

The High Road to Linton