Key: Gm Form: Reel ABC: X:1\ T:La M\'e9lodie Courte\ C:2020 Kenric A Kite\ M:4/4\ L:1/8\ R:Slow reel\ K:Gm\ GA |:"Gm"B2 d2 "D"c2 BA |"Gm"G>A GF "D"D2 GA |"Gm"B2 d2 "D"c2 BA |1"Gm"(G4G2)GA :|2"Gm"(G4G4)||\ |"Gm"G3 B A/G/F/D/ | B2 AB c2 B2 |d2 d2 "A"g2 ^c2 |"D"d3 e d/c/B/A/ \ |"Gm"G3 […]
Monthly Archives: July 2021

Key: Gm Form: Reel? MP3: Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". Sheet Music in PDF: La Melodie Courte ABC: X:1 T:La M\'elodie […]