Monthly Archives: September 2018

Key: A Form: Waltz ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". YouTube:  If you […]

Snow Goose, The

Key: A Form: Jig ABC: X:1 T:Matt's Jig C:David Kaynor, 2018 M:6/8 R:Jig L:1/8 K:A |:"E"g | "A"acd "A/C#"e2f | "A"eAB "A/E"c2d | "A"eAA "F#m"fAA | "Bm" edc "E"B2g| "A"acd "A/C#"e2f | "A"eAB "A/E"c2e | "Bm"fga "A"eAA | "E"BAG "A" A2 :|| |: "A"a | "E"gee gee | "Bm"gab "E"b2g […]

Matt’s Jig

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Little Nell C: Tony Mates R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: G |:ef|g2ge d2B2|GBAG E2D2|[G2G,2]BG AGBG|[d3D3](D [d2D2])ef| g2ge d2B2|GBAG E2D2|C2E2D2F2|[G3G,3](G, [G2G,2]) :| |:GG|FGABA2F2|[G2G,2][G2B2][G2A2][G2B2]|[G3c3]([Gc] [Gc])[BG][A2G2]| [B4G4][BG]A G2|FGABA2F2|G2B2A2B,2|C2E2D2F2|[G3G,3](G, [G2G,2]) :| MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save […]

Little Nell

Key: D Form: Blues (?)  ABC:  X:1 T:Dickson County Blues [1] T:Dixon County Blues M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Quick" K:D a^g|a_af(d d)efg|a_af(d d)ded|=f e2(d d)ded|=f e2 (d d)AcB| M:6/4 L:1/4 c/a(c/ a2-a)(^B|\ M:C| L:1/8 c) a2(^e f)dAF|(d2 d)ABF|1 d6:|2 d6 ^E|| |:F A2B =cABA|F A2 (B cB)AF|GBde =fded|Bd2e =fecB| [F6d6] cB|\ M:6/4 […]

Dickson County Blues

Key: G Form: Jig ABC: X: 8 T: Larry O'Gaff's R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:"G"g2G BAG|"G"ded dBG|"C"cec "G"BdB|"Am"ABc "D7"def| "G"g2G BAG|"G"ded dBG|"C"cec "G"BdB|1 "D7"ABA "G"G2d:|2 "D7"ABA "G"G3|| |:"D7"def "G"gfg|"D7"aba afe|"D7"dfg aga|"G"bgf g2d| "D"def "C"gfe|"G"ded dBG|"C"cec "G"BdB|1 "D7"ABA "G"G2d:|2 "D7"ABA "G"G3|| MP3: (played by Rick Winston) Download […]

Larry O’Gaff’s (tune for the Squid Jiggin’ Ground*)