Monthly Archives: July 2018

Key: D Form: Reel MP3: played slowly, then up to speed. Thank you, Susan Reid: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".    ABC: […]

Calgary Reel

Key: A Form: Waltz or air ABC:  X: 1 T: Stamey Creek (Harmonized Low) C: David A. Kaynor 2018 R: waltz S: Fiddle Hell Online 2020-11-05 Z: 2020 John Chambers M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: A % - - - - - - - - - - V: 1 staves=2 […]

Stamey Creek

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: (Regular version)* P:A "Asus4"zAde |"D" (f2 f/)f/f |"G" g>fga |"D" f2(d2 |  "D"d)d/e/ "D/F#"f/e/ d |"G" B3d | [1 "A"c>d e>d |"D" f4 :| [2 "A"c>de>A | "D"d4 |  P:B |: "D" zf "D/F#" ~dc |"G" B3d |"A" c>B "A/C#"ce |"D" d2A2 | "D" z[d/f/][e/g/] "D/F#"f/e/ […]

La Promeneuse