Daily Archives: July 22, 2016

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: X: 2 T: West Mabou R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj e|g2 dg e2 dB|g2 dg eaab|g2 dg e2 dB|A2 GA BGGe| g2 dg e2 db|g2 dg eaag|bgaf gfed|efga babg| eddB dedB|A2 GA BAAg|eddB dedB|A2 GA BGGg| eddB dedB|A2 GA BAAe|g2 bg e2 dB|A2 […]

West Mabou Reel

Key: A Form: Waltz ABC:  If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: Played by David Kaynor Download this MP3  (If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”.(Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge.  If you know a source, please contribute […]

Waltz in A

Key: Dm Form: Waltz ABC:  If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music:   Link (Midi or Youtube): If you know a source for this one, please […]

Transtrand (Waltz from)

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T:Swinging on a gate M:4/4 K:G Bd|gedB G2AB|cABG AGEG|DGBd g2fg|eaag fdef|gedB G2AB|cABG AGEG|cABG AGEG |DGGF G2:| Bd|g3a bgaf|gfed B2AG|EAAB cBAG|EAAB cdef|g3a bgaf|gfed B2AB|cABG AGEG|D GGF G2:| MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet […]

Swinging on a Gate